303 Stainless Steel - DIN 1.4305 - X8CrNiS18-9 - ~SUS 303

303 Stainless Steel - DIN 1.4305 - X8CrNiS18-9 - ~SUS 303

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Ground Flat Stock and $mart Flat Stock comes always in a machined condition, that means:


NO decaburization on the surfaces (decarburization leads to unreliable components and tools)

Less dirt on your machines during further processing – nothing but clean chips

Stress-relieved flat steel avoids warping of components during further machining
Get the close-to-finish-size thickness and width you need for the components you plan

Ground Flat Stock and $mart Flat Stock comes always in a machined condition, that means:


NO decaburization on the surfaces (decarburization leads to unreliable components and tools)

Less dirt on your machines during further processing – nothing but clean chips

Stress-relieved flat steel avoids warping of components during further machining
Get the close-to-finish-size thickness and width you need for the components you plan

Ground Flat Stock and $mart Flat Stock comes always in a machined condition, that means:


NO decaburization on the surfaces (decarburization leads to unreliable components and tools)

Less dirt on your machines during further processing – nothing but clean chips

Stress-relieved flat steel avoids warping of components during further machining

Get the close-to-finish-size thickness and width you need for the components you plan



Composition - Chemical analysis:


0 – 0.1


0 – 1


0 – 2


0 – 0.045


0.15 – 0.35


17 – 19


8 – 10


0 – 1


0 – 0.11
Chemical name:
Working hardness:
215 HB - 250 HB (delivery condition)
Delivery condition:
max. 250 HB
Chemical name:
Working hardness:
215 HB - 250 HB (delivery condition)
Delivery condition:
max. 250 HB
303 stainless steel physical properties


As with other austenitic stainless steels, 303 has good toughness and is non-magnetic. The added Sulphur makes the steel better machinable but affects the corrosion resistance and lowers the toughness of the steel slightly.

Apart from better machining the added Sulphur helps break chips into smaller, more manageable pieces, contributes to a smoother and more consistent finish and can extend tool life.

With a mass fraction of 17 - 19% chromium the 303 is a stainless steel.
The 303 is corrosion resistant due to its chrome content of 17 - 19%. Furthermore it contains a mass fraction of 8 - 10% of nickel which can enhance the corrosion resistance of a steel grade.

Sulphur makes this steel grade vulnerable to pitting corrosion, therefore should be avoided for environments over 140°F (60°C) containing chloride.

This steel grade is better suited in mild environments, when exposed to moist environments, like a marine environment, pitting as well as a film of rust will form. For more corrosion resistance it is better to use a steel with more chromium and nickel content.

In general the 303 is not magnetic in its annealed condition.

By cold working this material grade though the crystal structure can be altered to become partially or fully magnetic. By annealing the material the process is reversed and the material goes back to its non-magnetic state.
The wear resistance for the 303 is 2 on a scale where 1 is low and 6 is high.

Uniformly heat the material to 2100 - 2300°F (1149 - 1260°C) for hot working, when finished, rapidly cool the work piece to ensure the maximum corrosion resistance.

303 cannot readily be cold worked, some cold work is possible but sharp bending should not be applied.



303 is not a classic knife steel as it does not have the right balance of hardness and toughness for good edge retention, sharpness and chipping resistance.
The working hardness for the 303 stainless is at delivery 215 - 250 BHN.

Typically the density of stainless steel 303 is 0.285 lb/in3 (7.9g/cm3) at room temperature.

The tensile strength for the stainless steel 303 is approx. 116.0 KSI (0.145KSI = 1MPa).

This value is the result from a tensile test to show how much force is needed before the material starts to stretch or elongate before it breaks.

The thermal conductivity for stainless steel 303 is at 15 W/(m*K) (104 BTU/(h-ft*°F)) at room temperature.

303 stainless steel thermal conductivity diagram chart
This diagram shows how much the 303 might expand or contract when the temperatures change which can be very important when working with high temperatures or strong temperature changes.

Medium thermal expansion coefficient

10-6m/(m • K)

At a temperature of


68 - 212°F 


68 - 392°F 


68 - 572°F  


68 - 752°F  


68 - 932°F 


68 - 1112°F 


68 - 1292°F 


68 - 1472°F 

303 stainless steel thermal expansion coefficient diagram chart

The specific heat capacity of stainless steel 303 at room temperature is ~ 0.5 J/(g*K). This value shows how much heat is needed to heat 1lb of material by 1 Fahrenheit.

303 stainless steel specific heat capacity chart
You can find the temperature dependent material constant (Resistivity) in the following table. The electrical conductivity is the reciprocal value of the specific resistance.

Table of the specific electrical resistivity


At a temperature of

~0.73  (Ohm*mm²)/m


The stress and strain modulus or modulus of elasticity (Young’s modulus) for 303 stainless steel is at 27.992 KSI (193 GPa).


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303 stainless steel procedures


303 is not hardenable by heat treatment. Cold working this steel grade can increase hardness and tensile strength.
Heat the material to 1850°F (1010°C) following with a quenching in water or cool rapidly by other means.

To prevent embrittlement and loss of corrosion resistance, temperatures between 800 - 1500°F (427 - 816°C) should be avoided for prolonged exposure.
To improve stability and to reduce the risk of distortion the 303 can be stress relieved by heating it to a range of 1099 - 1299°F (593 - 704°C) and then cooled down slowly.
This steel grade cannot be hardened by heat treatment.

This steel grade can be cold work hardened for improved strength and hardness. By cold working this material the crystal structure is deformed resulting in increased hardness.


To enhance 303’s properties there are various surface treatments. Here are a few examples:
This treatment removes surface contamination and increases the corrosion resistance of the material by treating the surface with an acid solution that leaves a passive chromium layer.
An electric current is used to remove a very thin layer of material which leaves a smooth and shiny surface. This is a non-mechanical process and is not to be confused with passivation which does not use an electric current.
Ceramic coating will create a hydrophobic layer which repels water and other contaminants which might damage the surface.

It enhances the wear resistance and provides thermal insulation which is an advantage in high temperature and abrasive environments.

Different colors can be achieved by chemically coloring the 303, depending on the thickness of the oxide layer, colors range from bronze, the thinnest oxide layer, to green, the thickest layer.

The color sequence is bronze, blue, black, charcoal, gold, purple and green. As this is a chemically induced coloring it does not flake or peel when the material is formed or drawn for example.

The oxide layer is harder which makes it better pitting resistant and does repel water and dirt.



On a scale where 1 is weak and 6 is good, the machinability of 303 reaches a score of 6.

To avoid excess work hardening keep the cutting edges sharp. Lubricants and coolants should be used liberally to avoid the heat concentration at the cutting edges. Chip breakers should be employed to keep the workpiece clear.

With the right choice of electrodes, dielectric fluid and machining parameters the 303 stainless steel can be EDM’d which makes machining complex and intricate shapes with tight tolerances achievable.

As a non contact machining process EDM generates little heat, another advantage for the 303 as it means that the properties of this grade will not be affected.

As for all materials the 303 stainless steel can undergo dimensional changes when heated or cooling.

When under constant load at higher temperatures the 303 can experience creep, a slow and time dependent deformation. 
This steel grade is not easily forged due to the risk of overheating with the high forging temperatures needed.

Forging is usually performed at a temperature range of 2102 - 1742°F (1150 - 950°C) with subsequent cooling in air. To minimize the risk of hot cracking, low forging temperatures are preferred.

A post forging heat treatment can be done to restore properties, reduce internal stresses and to restore the corrosion resistance for the 303.

It is not recommended to weld this steel grade.

To avoid cross contamination while fabricating, only tools dedicated to stainless steel materials should be used to avoid surface discoloration of the fabricated products.

Clean all tooling and work surfaces thoroughly against cross contamination as well.



Due to its good machinability this steel grade is used for applications that require parts to be easily machined: shafts, springs bushings, nuts and bolts, valves, components in the automotive industry as well as in the machining industry.

• Food industry
• Photographic industry
• Paint industry
• Oil industry
• Soap industry
• Paper industry
• Textile industry
• Mechanical engineering
• Turned parts
• Fittings construction
• Kitchen equipment
• Decoration

303 stainless steel applications


Stainless steel 303 is chosen when machinability is the focus, its good machinability enables the production of high precision components which are often used in the automotive or electronics industry. Though it has a lower corrosion resistance than some other stainless steels, it is resistant to atmospheric corrosion and mild chemical exposure.

- Austenitic chromium-nickel steel
- Free-cutting steel
- Corrosion resistant
- Non-magnetic
- Very good machinability
- Limited polishability
- Poor forgeability
- Poor weldability
- Limited acid resistance
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Download the technical data sheet in PDF format here.

download 303 stainless steel data sheet

The data shown here has been compiled with the greatest diligence and is regularly updated with regard to the correctness and completeness of its content. The content is indicative only and should not be taken as a warranty of specific properties of the product described or a warranty of suitability for a particular purpose. All information presented is given in good faith and no liability will be accepted for actions taken by third parties in reliance on this information. ABRAMS Industries reserves the right to change or amend the information given here in full or parts without prior notice.