Key to success: How open communication improves the work climate.

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Communication is an essential part of every company, not only among colleagues but also between employees and employers. A business is not able to function without an open exchange between these parties, therefore it is extremely important to set aside enough time for it.

Internal communication is based on giving each other feedback and support, so that the best result is achieved for everyone involved. For management, it has to be important to have a lively exchange with their staff and for them to know that there is always someone who wants to listen, no matter if it’s outside of regular feedback sessions.

A pleasant working relationship leads to a comfortable work environment, which in turn promotes loyalty, honesty, and mutual respect. Regular conversations can address challenges and make strengths and expertise, which should be encouraged and promoted, apparent. That way, work processes can be adapted to solve problems more quickly.

If you have frequent exchanges with your supervisor, but also with your colleagues, you will feel secure in your position in the company, because you know where you stand, what you can expect and what is expected of you.

Especially in a business that has several locations on different continents, it is even more important to communicate goals, plans and challenges clearly. Different time zones often throw a spanner in the works, so it is crucial that everyone knows that they can contact our management Dr. Abrams or Nur H. Nezir anytime and they will do their best to help in any way they can.

That is why we were so pleased when the following email reached our COO. Vincent George was an important part of ABRAMS Industries® for 2.5 years and worked as a student trainee in sales. Now he has decided to pursue his dream job as a teacher.

On his last day he wrote this heartwarming email to our COO, and we couldn’t be happier about it, so we really wanted to share it with you all.

Email from Vincent George, 13 January, 2023:


It was such a pleasure to work with Mr. George and we wish him all the very best for his future!

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